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5 Slap references for your Groove

A list with some of the best slap references in the world.

5 slap

Check now the 5 Slap references for your Groove:

Larry Graham Pow

Larry Graham

Simply Slap’s father, this reference is a complete school, his Slap is killer and has a unique characteristic, whoever follows Larry’s work knows that his slap is extremely creative and musical at the same time.

His slap comes from many years ago, I remember his opening lines with Sly & The Family Stone, amazing lines and very well thought out.

If you are looking to improve your techniques and develop them, we encourage you to study Slap’s initial source, study Larry Graham.


Celso Pixinga

Celso Pixinga

One of the great Slap references in Brazil, Celso Pixinga undoubtedly revolutionized the use of slap in Brazil, many bass players in Brazil and the world will remember his famous video class “SLAP MANIA”  explaining how he used this technique.

Also known at the time, as one of the bass players with the fastest slap in the world, he marked an entire generation, and continues to mark with his great talent and genius, we have no doubt that he contributed and contributed a lot to the spread of slap in the world, put this name on your study list is sure to add a lot for you.


Victor Wooten

Victor Wooten

The Slap Machine, Victor in our opinion transformed and spread the Slap format and execution, using the Double Thumb technique.

Making a great mix of elements Victor gave life to Slap in several ways, we suggest that you consume everything you find from Victor Wooten, it has no limits, its grooves, lines, melodies are rich and when it uses slpa it gains more power.

It’s been years and years updating his way of playing, improving his techniques and creating different forms and models, this genius has no end and we like him.

So it goes without saying that Victor Wooten needs to be on your slap reference list.


Wojtek Pilichowski

Wojtek Pilichowski

One of the fastest Slaps in the world knows him, the guy is a machine without limits.

With his aggressive character in the execution of Slap, Wojtek Pilichowski became one of the biggest references alongside big names, his slap contains: creativity, refined technique, musicality and much more.

Despite his aggressiveness in Slap, he manages to extract a lot of musicality within each line. After some research we can see that his name is indeed one of the references for the study of Slap, it is possible to notice a great influence of Mr. Mark King in his speeches.


Louis Johnson

Louis Johnson

He revolutionized the world of slap and bass in general, who don’t remember him with his famous natural Music Man.

His slap is rich and seems to have no end, just like Wojtek Pilichowski, he also has a very aggressive characteristic in the execution of Tapa, so his identity is eternal to this day.

A tip is to try each Groove line performed by Louis, you’ll notice that the execution and creativity along with Slap is something out of the ordinary.

Would you like to know more about the 5 Slap references for your Groove?  Watch the video and check out the slap of these bass players:


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