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5 Women reference in groove

Check out the top 5 bass players who have a sensational groove.

Come on, take a look and check out 5 Women reference in groove now:

Kinga Głyk

Subtlety with good taste and refined technique, we have been following Kinga’s projects and works for some time, and we can see that she is a great reference for learning new Groove lines.

His lines are amazing, very rich and in moderation at the right times, his groove is nice to listen to and gives a feeling of joy, along with his refined technique and a good bag of knowledge, it’s easier to understand how his creativity works, we like it a lot from listening to enjoying every line performed by Kinga Głyk.


Giane Rangel

Giane Rangel

This woman is amazing, we can’t even start talking about her, but let’s try.

The first time we enjoyed Giane playing, right away we were already hypnotized by the absurd Groove that was performed, it’s amazing lines and phrases. Her Groove is mesmerizing and the urge to listen more and more.

Giane is not aware of the limit, she simply surpasses this barrier and manages to execute wonderful lines, her technique is super refined, musicality, creativity and good taste is remarkable, we would spend hours and hours commenting on this powerful woman, but in case you don’t know Giane Rangel, don’t waste your time and try to hear everything from her, we guarantee it’s worth it.


Ida Nielsen

Ida Nielsen

A queen of the Grooves, Ida simply stood by the great Prince performing her Groove lines masterfully.

Sharp groove, refined techniques, creativity and unusual musicality, we love to hear her lines and feel the energy she transmits, especially when she performs Slap, the sound is really nice to hear, without a doubt one of the greatest bass players in the world of Grooves. You can follow Ida Nielsen in her solo projects, and feel up close all this genius and musicality, without a doubt one of our greatest references for learning Groove.


Ana Karina Sebastião

Ana Karina Sebastião

To talk about this incredible bass player, there is no lack of subject.

Right away you can repair a Brazilian musicality in its lines, always with small elements or ideas, but you will always notice that inside each groove there is Brazil, we think this characteristic is really cool. His Groove lines are amazing, we can see that there is a little of the influence of Jaco Pastorius in his way of playing and thus diversifying his creativity and musicality a little more.

She is undoubtedly one of the great references to hear and learn more about groove and ideas, especially with the Brazilian touch in her sound.


Nik West

Nik West

We can say that Nik is complete, sings, dances, produces and has an incredible stage presence.

Her lines are rich and amazing, we love her performance while she plays, it makes it even more difficult to keep the groove and dance, but she manages quite naturally.

Nik has worked on amazing projects like Quincy Jones Productions, Prince, Glee, American Idol among others.


We recommend that you listen to all of their projects, their lines are amazing and will definitely add tremendous value to your groove, enjoy and watch the video below and check out these bass players in action:


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